課程基本資訊 Course Profile
課程編號 | 126U1350 / LIS5066 |
授課教師 | 圖書資訊學系 林維真 |
學分數 | 3 |
全/半年 | 半年 |
必/選修 | 選修 領域專長:創新設計學院-使用者中心研究與設計、圖資系-資訊設計與視覺敘事 |
授課對象 | 適合大學部三年級以上同學選修 |
課程時間 | 週二 09:30 – 12:10 |
教室地點 | 圖資系4樓資訊室 |
課程助教 | 陳家荷(數位人文研究中心) 石媛菱(圖資所) 劉醇郁(圖資所) 曹詠甯(圖資所) |
課程網站 | Discord |
課程概述 Overview
Human-Computer Interaction (LIS5066) is an elective course for senior and graduate students of information science majors. This course studies the theory, research, and practices of CHI for all manners of information devices, systems, and environments under the specific context of informatics. It is concerned with the human factors in designing for user experiences. A semester-long interaction design project will be adopted to guide and anchor students’ learning activities and outcomes within the course.
學習目標 Objectives
- Knowledge of the concepts and ideas of human-computer interaction
- Knowledge of human information behaviors involved with CHI
- Knowledge and skills of interaction design
課程要求 Requirements
This semester's learning activities will focus on the visually impaired users and their experiences with augmented reality technologies. We will also introduce and experience the idea of designing with AI. Students will form small groups of 3-5 people to study relevant literature and system examples and develop prototypes and user profiles by combining the design and evaluation methods they have learned.
- Participation (20%)
- Term Project (80%)
- Observation and Design problem statement (30%)
- Literature and case review (30%)
- Data collection and analysis (20%)
- Design and Development (20%)
指定閱讀 Assigned Reading
參考書目 Recommended Reading
- Sharp, H., Preece, J., & Rogers, Y. (2023). Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction, 6th Edition. England: John Wiley & Sons.
課程進度 Schedule