LIS5069 Information and Communication System
Information and Communication System (資訊傳播專題 126U1380 / LIS5069) is an elective course for senior and graduate students at the Dept. of Library and Information Science. This course systematically studies the dynamics and character of the modern mass communication from the perspectives of information and media specialists. On the basis of communication theories, groups of students are required to investigate real and problematic communication phenomena, and collaboratively work on the planned interventions and solutions.
This course introduces the fundamental elements and concepts of information...
LIS8025 User Behavior Research

User experience has evolved as a new area of Human Computer Interaction research, and is taken as critical element that bridges the system design and the user performance. User Behavior Research (使用者行為研究 126D1030 / LIS8025) explores the design process for user experience and engagement, which expands the traditional concept of usability and utility in design to include elements of aesthetics, fun and excitement that are directly related to users’ behaviors and intentions. The course starts by reviewing the background knowledge of human in human-computer interaction, follows by introduction of...
LIS7018 Museum Learning

Museum Learning (博物館學習 126M0630 / LIS7018 ) is an elective course for graduate students at the Dept. of Library and Information Science. This course takes the visitors’ points of view to explore various functions and roles museums play in learning society. A variety of cases ranging from science centers, art and history museums to zoos and national archives across disciplines are studied and analyzed to facilitate an integrative understanding over the burgeoning issues of museum learning.
This course is also in 2011- 2013, 2015-2016, 2018, 2021-2022. The theme for each semester is as follows:
LIS5066 Human-Computer Interaction

Human-Computer Interaction (人機互動 126U1350 / LIS5066) is an elective course for senior and graduate students of information science majors. This course studies the theory, research and practices of CHI for all manners of information devices, systems and environment under the specific context of informatics. It is concerned with the human factors in designing for user experiences. A semester-long interaction design project will be adopted to guide and anchor students’ learning activities and outcomes within the course.
This course is also in Fall 2010 - 2017, and Spring 2010, 2019, 2020. The...
LIS4011 Library Statistics

Library Statistics (圖書館統計學 10646400 / LIS4011) is a compulsory course in introductory statistics within the Department of Library and Information Science for juniors. The curriculum and instruction are designed to facilitate student understanding of statistics concepts about data, methods, and applications in libraries.
This course is also in Spring 2012, and every Fall since 2012 to the present.
Fall, 2024 (2024/09 - 2024/12) [Syllabus] [Course Website]
LIS5105 Science Communication

Science Communication (科學傳播 126U1680 / LIS5105) is an interdisciplinary co-taught course with Prof. Hsiu-Ping Yueh from the Department of Bio-Industry Communication & Development. This course introduces the idea and system of science communication. It discusses the competencies, roles, and challenges required of science communicators, including those who communicate and report on science, scientists, and science educators in today's society.
Science communicators from the above-mentioned fields will share their achievements and experiences in communicating science from the aspects of messages,...
LIS7024 Museum Visitor Studies

Museum Visitor Studies (博物館觀眾研究,126M0680 / LIS7024) is an elective course for graduate students at the Graduate institute of Library and Information Science. This course reviews empirical oriented studies concerning visitor experiences in museum in order to pinpoint critical issues, trends, and methodologies of visitor studies. With reference to the theoretical and methodical findings, students enrolled in this course will be able to outline several analytical building blocks that compose a complex framework of visitor expectations, experiences, and outcomes of museums.
This course is also...
LIS5072 Topical Seminar on eBook

The special topics on eBook (電子書專題 126U1400 / 126M0700 / LIS5072) is an elective course for graduate students at the Graduate institute of Library and Information Science. This course studies the concurrent phenomenon of eBook reading through various perspectives from different stakeholders internationally. Critical facts and issues including content, software and hardware regarding eBook will be discussed and experienced through workshop and lab format to develop more comprehensive understanding toward the phenomenon.
This course is also in Spring 2011 and Summer 2012. After Spring 2014,...
LIS3042 Technology and Humanities

Technology & Humanities (科技與人文 106 35130 / LIS3042) is a cross-disciplinary elective course offered by the College of Liberal Arts for undergraduate students. Started in the 2024AW semester, this six-teacher course is based on the theme of “Technology and Humanities” and covers six topics: digital humanities, digital museums, scientific perspectives on linguistics, large-scale language models and humanity studies, scientific thoughts and humanities, and AI ethics. Through the introduction of these topics, this course intends to inspire the dialogues among informatics, linguistics, and philosophical...
LIS2016 Library Instruction

Library Instruction (圖書館利用指導 10623140 / LIS2016) is an elective undergraduate course taught by Dr. Weijane Lin at the Dept. of Library and Information Science. This course studies the practical methods related to library pedagogy, information literacy, user education, and point-of-need service. It explores the phenomenon of library instruction from the perspective of instructional systematic design, with the intention of achieving effective communication between library service and users.
This course was also in Spring 2010-2013, and Fall 2016-2023. The theme for each semester is as follows:
LIS5055 Topical Seminar on e-Learning
Topical seminar on e-Learning (數位學習專題 126U1220 / LIS5055) explores both conceptual framework and practical applications of learning technology from the perspective of social computing. Topics include the economy engineering, cross-cultural collaboration, and the burgeoning development of social technologies. This course features a full set of collaborative learning works with project-based learning, a variety of online collaboration works, and a related resources section.
This course was also in Fall 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2019.
BICD 7010 Design-based Research
Design-based Research (設計本位研究法,BICD7010) is a methodological course for doctoral students to discuss the emerging research method in educational technology studies. This course will be co-taught by Prof. Hsiu-Ping Yueh (Dept. of BICD; Dept. of Psychology) and Prof. Weijane Lin (Dept. of Library and Information Science). Introduction to DBR will be firstly given as a systematic but flexible methodology aimed to improve educational practices through iterative analysis, design, development and implementation. Related studies using DBR will be reviewed, and finally a term project to conduct a DBR...
DS5102 Needs Inquiry
Understanding users has evolved as a new area of Human Computer Interaction research, and is taken as critical element that bridges the system design and the user performance. Needs Inquiry (需求探索 DS5102, with Prof. Yeh, Yi-Yu and Prof. Yueh, Hsiu-Ping) explores the design process for user experience and engagement, which expands the traditional concept of usability and utility in design to include elements of aesthetics, fun and excitement that are directly related to users’ behaviors and intentions. The course starts by reviewing the background knowledge of user behaviors and performance, follows...
LIS5081 eBook Production
Topical seminar on eBook Production (電子書製作專題 10650120 / LIS5081) studies the book publishing process by hands-on activities from interior book design to eBook production. Students will make pages of books in correct format for offset printing presses and digital publishing standard ePub3 by using authoring tools of Adobe Dreamweaver and InDesign CS 5.5.
Students are required to form as groups to complete eBook artifacts in print, web and app forms. Attendance and participation in class activities ensure students’ progress in eBook production, and therefore will be emphasized in this course....
LIS5071 Multimedia Design and Digital Archives
Multimedia Design and Digital Archive (多媒體資料製作與典藏管理 10650110 / LIS5071) is an elective course taught by Weijane Lin every spring at the Dept. of Library and Information Science since February, 2010. This course gives students a basic grounding in the technological skills needed to conduct digital resource research and to present the archival results digitally. It also introduces students to issues in digital archive such as preservation, replication, migration and transition. Lab sessions of authoring tools will be included to acquaint students with image and video editing.
This course...
【Speeches and Talks】
[Invited Talk] Modeling Reading Behavior - Eye Movement Data Analytics. ACCM Seminar on Educational Big Data for Sustainable Society, Kyoto University. 2025/01/11.
[Invited Speech] 圖書資訊學與人機互動研究。國立師範大學圖書資訊學研究所。2024/12/22。
[Talk] Modeling reading behaviors: An automatic approach to eye movement analytics。臺大圖資系教師研究成果發表會(2024春)。2024/05/03。
[Lecture] 科技輔助視障者閱讀平權:擴增實境科技。國立臺灣圖書館提升圖書館員身心障礙服務專業知能工作坊。2024/04/25 (台北)、2024/05/23(台中)、2024/06/26(高雄)。
[Invited Speech] 高齡科技發展趨勢與圖書館應用。臺大圖資系圖書資訊學專題課程。2022/11/17。
[Talk] Art museum experiences and exhibit label design: A visitor study approach。臺大圖資系教師研究成果發表會(2022秋)。2022/11/11。