Research Projects
- Multimodal Augmented Feedback System for Enhancing Visually Impaired Visitors’ Science Museum Experiences and Learning (2025/01 - 2027/12), PI, NTU Academic Research-Career Development Project (Sprout Research Projects), National Taiwan University. (國立臺灣大學學術研究生涯發展研究計畫(深耕型)-提升視障觀眾科學博物館經驗的多模態擴增回饋系統)
- Human-Robot Collaboration and Coexistence: The Application and Practice of Socia Robots in an Aging Society (2025/01 - 2027/12), Research Team Members, NTU Core Consortiums Research Project, National Taiwan University. (國立臺灣大學核心研究群計畫-人機協作與共生:社會機器人在高齡社會的應用與實踐)
- Human-Machine Interaction in the Age of AI: Humanistic, Cognitive and Philosophical Perspectives (2024/02 - 2027/01), Subproject PI (Generative AI and Humanities: A Network Analysis of Academic Domains), College of Liberal Arts, National Taiwan University. (台大文學院共作文明新趨勢研究計畫群-AI時代的人機互動:人文、認知與哲學觀點。子計畫三 生成式人工智慧與人文學之學術領域網絡分析)
- A Study on the development of core competencies and learning assessment environment for information ethics in business and management education (2023/08/01 - 2026/07/31), Co-PI, NSTC112-2410-H-002-121-MY3. (商管領域資訊倫理教育核心能力與整合學習評量環境建置研究)
- Developing integrative narrative reading to help promote appropriate epidemic prevention behaviors: A cross-cultural comparative study (2023/01/01 - 2024/12/31), Co-PI, NSTC112-2927-I-002-509. (國科會臺比(NSTC-FWO)雙邊合作人員交流計畫-發展整合敘事閱讀模式促進防疫行為:跨文化比較研究)
- Using Augmented Reality in Enhancing Visually Impaired Learners’ Science Reading: Design and Development of an AR-based Earth Science Graph Reading System (2022/08/01 - 2025/07/31), PI, NSTC111-2628-H-002-006-MY3 (Excellent Young Scholar Research Grants) (擴增實境技術支援視障讀者科學閱讀之實踐:地球科學圖像擴增回饋系統之研發與推廣。國科會優秀年輕學者研究計畫 / 國立臺灣大學學術研究生涯發展計畫-桂冠型研究計畫 NTU-CDP-111L7783)
- Reconstructing Honzogaku as an East Asian Multidisciplinary Science: New Developments in Empirical Research on the Fusion of Arts and Science (2021/04/01 ~ 2022/03/31), Team Researcher Overseas, International Research Center for Japanese Studies. 日文研研支第1-16-18号(東アジアのMultidisciplinary Scienceとしての本草学の再構成ー実物検証を伴う文理融合研究の新展開)
- Enhance Visually Impaired Patrons’ Science Reading through Augmented Reality Picture Book (2020/08/01 ~ 2023/01/31), PI, MOST 109-2410-H-002-205-MY2(擴增實境支援視障讀者之科學閱讀)
- Developing Augmented Reality Applications to Facilitate Visually Impaired Youths Learning Experiences in Museums and Libraries: A Design-based Research (2019/08/01 ~ 2021/04/30), PI, MOST 108-2410-H-002-223(應用擴增實境於提升視障學習者博物館與圖書館經驗之互動設計研究)
- Monitoring and Improving QoL of Elderly People Living along with Remote Social Interaction Support (2018/06/01 ~ 2023/05/31), CoPI, MOST107-2923-S002-001-MY3. (科技部臺日國合計畫-遠距社會互動系統輔助獨居高齡者生活品質監控與促進之研究)
- Rediscover the chronology of Tyôzaburô Tanaka through digital preservation (2018/02-2018/07), PI, MOST107-2918-I-002-014 (科技部補助科學技術人員國外短期研究-田中文庫數位典藏之研究)
- Interaction Design and Evaluation of Augmented Reality Applications for Museums and Libraries (2017/08~2019/07), PI, MOST106-2410-H-002-093-MY2 (擴增實境應用於博物館與圖書館之互動設計評估研究)
- Origin of the Citrus Fruits: Analysis of Tanaka Specimen from scientific and humanistic approaches. カンキツの分類と種の起源.伝播の解明ー田中標本の解析と人文.社会学的調査(2016/04/01 - 2019/03/31), Research Associate, JSPS 16H05781基盤研究(B)。
- Evaluating Child Patron’s Performance and Perception of Robotic Assistance in Library Book Locating (2014/08~2017/01), PI, MOST-103-2410-H-002-173-MY2 (兒童圖書館尋書服務機器人之使用者認知與介面評估研究)
- 運用假設演繹模式建立探究社群學習平台以培養學生職場倫理推論能力:以資訊科技系學生及相關人員為研究對象(2013/08 - 2015/07), CoPI, NSC102-2511-S-002-007-MY2
- 中華電信i顧家服務委託研究案(2011/11-2012/11), CoPI, CHT Research Fund.
- 兒童圖書館智慧導覽機器人之前瞻概念與創新服務設計(2010/09 - 2011/05), CoPI, NSC-99-2218-E-002-035
- 大學生對圖書館提供電子書閱讀載具於學習應用服務之科技接受度研究(2010/02-2011/03), PI, NTU Start Fund.
MOST/ NSTC Research Grant for University Students
- 陳語謙。擴增實境輔助高中地理學習-以河流地形為例(2024/07 - 2025/02),國科會大專學生研究計畫,113-2813-C-002-014-H
- 洪培洛。擴增實境支援色覺異常者之科學閱讀-以高中化學為例(2021/07 - 2022/02),科技部大專學生研究計畫,110-2813-C-002-295-H
- 陳泓均。語音錯誤處理策略對於高齡用戶對話表現之影響(2019/07 - 2020/02),科技部大專學生研究計畫,108-2813-C-002-040-H
- 王睿英。多玩家嚴肅遊戲中合作與競爭對學習成效的影響(2017/07 - 2018/02),科技部大專學生研究計畫,106-2813-C-002-029-H
- 吳佩旻。電子繪本導讀形式對兒童讀者閱讀行為之影響(2014/07-2015/02),科技部大專學生研究計畫,103-2815-C-002-040-H
Education & Extension
- 2023 National Problem Solving Contest on Internet 第二十五屆網際網路程式設計全國大賽(2022/08/01~2023/02/01), Co-PI, 教育部。
- 2022 National Problem Solving Contest on Internet 第二十四屆網際網路程式設計全國大賽(2022/08/01~2023/02/01), Co-PI, 教育部。
- Augmented Reality: Creating Immersive Learning Experiences in Your Science Classroom (2022/08/01 - 2023/07/31), 科普活動:擴增實境-創造妳的沈浸式科學學習體驗。PI, MOST111-2515-S-002-005
- 2021 National Problem Solving Contest on Internet 第二十三屆網際網路程式設計全國大賽(2021/08/01~2022/02/01), Co-PI, 教育部。
- 聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)跨域教學實踐教師社群(2021/04/12 - 2021/11/20)。教育部110年度教學實踐研究計畫-中區區域基地跨校教師專業學習社群。PUTPRP110013
- Using workshop as an instructional method to improve learning in an HCI course 運用實作教學法與專題式學習之教學成效研究-以人機互動課程為例 (2020/08/01 - 2021/07/31), PI, 教育部教學實踐研究計畫。PEE1090514
- 2020 National Problem Solving Contest on Internet 第二十二屆網際網路程式設計全國大賽(2019/08/01~2020/02/01), Co-PI, 教育部。
- A Project-Based Learning (PBL) Approach for InterdisciplinaryLearning in an HCI Course.應用專題式學習探討大專院校學生之學習成效-以人機互動課程為例(2019/08/01 - 2020/07/31), PI, 教育部教學實踐研究計畫。PEE1080346
- 2019 National Problem Solving Contest on Internet 第二十一屆網際網路程式設計全國大賽 (2019/08/01~2020/02/01), Co-PI, 教育部。
- 科普活動:第二十屆網際網路程式設計全國大賽 2018 National Problem Solving Contest on Internet(2018/08/01~2019/07/31), Co-PI, MOST107-2515-S-002-003
- The 43rd Annual International Collegiate Programming Contest - Asia Taipei Regional Contest, ACM ICPC2018(2018/11/10), Co-PI, ICPC Foundation.
- Special Exhibition: Scientific Exploration on Food, Agriculture and Solar terms. 科普活動:「食農X節氣之科學探索」特展(2016/08~2017/07), Co-PI, MOST105-2515-S-002-001
- 「農情農意檔案展覽計畫」委託服務案(2015/06~2017/06), Co-PI, 行政院農業委員會。
- Special Exhibition: Scientific Exploration on the Dining Table. 科普活動:「餐桌上的科學探索」特展 (2015/08 ~ 2017/04), Co-PI, MOST104-2515-S-002-005
- Special Exhibition: Eat Healthy and Eat at Ease: Exhibition on Safe Eating. 科普活動:「食在安全—教你吃出健康,吃得安心」特展 (2014/07/01~2016/02/29), Co-PI, MOST103-2515-S-002-003
- Special Exhibition: Food Crisis and Food Safety. 科普活動:「生命關懷之旅~糧食的危機與安全」特展(2013/07 - 2014/06), CoPI, NSC-102-2515-S-002-008
- 台大生科博物館事業推展及研究發展計劃(2013/02-2013/12), CoPI, 文化部博物館事業推展補助計劃
- 老人福祉整合創新跨校教學聯盟課程:中階核心課程「人機互動」子計畫(2011/08-2013/01), PI, 教育部補助智慧生活整合性人才培育計畫。