


Journal Articles

Refereed Conference Papers

  • Zhao, W.*, Huang C.-Y., Lin, W., Yueh, H.P. (2024, November 30 - December 6). Understanding organic food purchase intentions through the extended TPB: A narrative review. Paper presentation at 21st Organic World Congress (OWC 2024). Chiayi, Taiwan. 
  • Chen, L.-C., Lin, W., & Yueh, H.P. (2024, November 30 - December 1). Reinvestigating Dong Jin Men Hua Lu (東京夢華錄) through digital geographic analytics. Poster Paper presentation at the 15th International Conference on Digital Archives and Digital Humanities (DADH 2024). Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Chen, C. -H., Lin, W.*, & Yueh, H.P. (2024, November 22-24). Using Non-verbal Turn-taking Cues in Elderly-robot Conversation. Paper presentation at the 21st International Conference on Automation Technology (Automation 2024). Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Tseng, S.-H., Liu, C.-L., & Lin, W. (2024, November 22-24). Social Robot Makes New Friends Automatically. Paper presentation at the 21st International Conference on Automation Technology (Automation 2024). Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Lin, W.*, Masumoto, K., Kakusho, K., & Yueh, H.-P. (2024, June 29 - July 4). How augmented visual feedback aids patrons’ reading and interaction with rare books - Evidence from eye movements. Paper presentation at HCI International 2024. Washington DC, USA.

Book Chapters

  • Lin, W.*, Masumoto, K., Kakusho, K., & Yueh, H.-P. (2023). How augmented visual feedback aids patrons’ reading and interaction with rare books - Evidence from eye movements. In P.-L. P. Rau (Ed.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Vol. 14700, pp. 242-250). Springer Nature Swittzerland.


Journal Articles

Refereed Conference Papers

  • Hsin, I., Lin, W. & Yueh, H.-P. (2023, December 4). Tracking students’ learning in hands-on STEM activities. Presentation at Graduate Student Research Symposium at AP-iConference. Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Cheng, C.-W. & Lin, W. (2023, October 27 - 31). How we study disabled people in LIS Research area: A systematic content analysis. Poster Paper presentation at the 86th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T 2023). London, UK.
  • Masumoto, K., Kakusho, K., Lin, W. & Yueh, H.-P. (2023, August 24 - 26). Analyzing readers’ eye movement across different layouts of multimedia content. Paper presentation at the 47th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education (JSiSE), Osaka, Japan. (in Japanese)
  • Kuo, C.-L., Yueh, H.-P. & Lin, W. (2023, August 19-20). Why do older adults share food pictures on Facebook: An exploration study. Poster presentation at TAICHI2023.
  • Lin, W., Hung, P.-L., & Yueh, H.-P.* (2023, July 23 - 28). Design of an AR application to support students with CVD in learning chemistry. Paper presentation at HCI International 2023. Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Lin, W., Masumoto, K., Kakusho, K.*, & Yueh, H.-P. (2023, July 23 - 28). How scientific illustration and photography aid learners’ reading - Evidence from eye movements. Paper presentation at HCI International 2023. Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Yueh, H.-P., Lin, W., Huang, C.-Y., Chen, C.-H., Shih, Y.-L. (2023, June 18). Trends of information ethics education and research in the field of business administration. Paper presentation at the 4th Conference on Business Education and Management Society of Taiwan, Tainan, Taiwan. (in Chinese) (Best Paper Award)
  • Wang, Y.-C. & Lin, W. (2023, June 7). Using virtual reality technology to construct an eco-museum - A case study of National Taiwan University Museums. Poster paper at International Conference on E-learning and Educational Technology (ICEET 2023). Taipei, Taiwan. (Best Poster Paper Award)
  • Yueh, H.-P., Lin, W., Huang, C.-Y., Chen, C.-H., Shih, Y.-L. (2023, May 20-21). Curriculum development of information ethics in management education. Paper presentation at the 2023 Taiwan Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (TAIOP) International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Book Chapters


Journal Articles

Refereed Conference Papers

  • Lu, S.-B., Tsao, Y.-N., & Lin, W. (2022, December). Designing Promotional Messages based on Library Patron’s Choices of Communication Channels: A Case Study of University Library Book Fair. Poster accepted for presentation at the 2nd Conference of LIS and Practices, CoLISP 2022. (in Chinese)
  • Huang, P.-W., Chen, C.-S., Chang, Y.-H., Lo, T.-P., Yeh, H.-T. & Lin, W. (2022, October). Petit Mood: AR Pet Game as Negative Emotion Reliever for Depressed University Students. Poster accepted for presentation at TAICHI2022.
  • Yang, T.-L., Hsu, C.-C. & Lin, W. (2022, October). Pocket World: Using Mobile AR to Tour Visitors in a Miniature Museum. Poster accepted for presentation at TAICHI2022.
  • Liu, C.Y., Fu, A., Hsiao, L. Y., Hung, C.C., & Lin, W.(2022, October). Lab Expert - Writing Chemistry Experiment Planning Reports with AR. Poster presentation at TAICHI2022.
  • Chen, C.-Y., Lee, M.-J., Huang, J.-Y., Chou, Z., Chen, L.-C., Lin, W. (2022, October). SMartVegi: AR Assistant for Vegetable Shopping in Conventional Markets. Poster accepted for presentation at TAICHI2022.

Conference Presentations

  • Huang, P.-W., Chen, C.-S., Chang, Y.-H., Lo, T.-P., Yeh, H.-T. & Lin, W. (2022, November). Petit Mood: AR Pet Game as Negative Emotion Reliever for Depressed University Students. Inviting Poster presentation at CSCW2022, Online.
  • Yang, T.-L., Hsu, C.-C. & Lin, W. (2022, November). Pocket World: Using Mobile AR to Tour Visitors in a Miniature Museum. Inviting Poster at CSCW2022, Online.
  • Lin, W. (2022, February). The bibliographic analysis of Tanaka Collection: A rare book collection in NTU Library, Presentation at Symposium of IRCJS Projects - Reconstructing Honzogaku as an East Asian Multidisciplinary Science (1-16-18), 26th - 27th February 2022, Online, Osaka University, Japan.
  • Lin, W. (2022, March). Robot Talk Matters: How Error-handling Design Affected Older Users’ Interaction and Use, Presentation at NTU-Tohoku Symposium 2022: When AI meets Humanity. 19th March 2022, Online.


Journal Articles

Refereed Conference Papers

  • Lin, W., Yueh, H.-P., & Huang, C.-Y. (2021, December). How do you like to eat with robots? An HRI study, paper presentation at IEICE HCG Symposium, 15-17th December 2021, Tokyo Japan.
  • Cheng, C.-W. & Lin, W. (2021, November). Investigating the Research Development of Special Needs Patrons in Taiwan Libraries from a Social Inclusion Perspective, paper accepted for Poster presentation at the 1st Conference of LIS and Practices (Co-LISP 2021), 26-27 November 2021, National Taiwan University, Taipei. (in Chinese)
  • Tsao, Y.-N., Shu, Y.-H., & Lin, W. (2021, July). Data-driven Persona Development for Art Museums, Poster presentation at TAICHI 2021, 23-24 July 2021, Virtual Conference. (in Chinese)
  • Wang, J.-Y., Lin, W., & Yueh, H.-P. (2021, March). Developing a Serious Game for Information Ethics Literacy, paper accepted for Poster presentation at iConference 2021, 17-31 March 2021, Renmin University of China.

Conference Presentations

  • Lin, W. (2021, July). Tyôzaburô Tanaka’s Serendipity with National Taiwan University. Presentation at Symposium of IRCJS Projects - Reconstructing Honzogaku as an East Asian Multidisciplinary Science (1-16-18), 3rd July 2021, Osaka University, Japan.
  • Lin, W. (2021, February). Interaction Design and Evaluation of Augmented Reality Applications for Museums and Libraries, Poster Presentation at Annual Symposium of RIEC and its Cooperative Research Projects,18th February 2021, Tohoku University, Japan.

Book Chapters

  • Lin, W. (2021, March). Research Trends of eBook and Digital Reading, in Wu, M.-M. (Ed.), Research of Library and Information Science. Taipei: eCulture Pub. (in Chinese)


Journal Articles

  • Yueh, H.-P., Lin, W.*, Wang, S.-C., Fu, L.-C. (2020, September). Reading with robot and human companions in library literacy activities: A comparison study, British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(5), 1884-1900. DOI:10.1111/bjet.13016 [PDF] (IF=2.951, 5-year IF=3.484; 31/263 Education & Educational Research)
  • Hsu, C.-Y., Lin, W.*, & Yueh, H.-P. (2020, July). Designing and Developing a Sandbox-style Tangible AR for Geoscience Learning, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12193: Cross-Cultural Design: Methods, tools and user experience, 1-10. (EI, Scopus SNIP=0.776)

Conference Presentations

  • Lin, W. (2020, November). eBook and Digital Reading (2010-2019), paper presentation at Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Library and Information Science Education, 27-28 November 2020, National Central Library. (in Chinese)


  • Lin, W. (2020, November). Museum visitor studies, NTU Alumni Bimonthly, 132, 9-13. [PDF] (in Chinese)


Journal Articles

  • Huang, T.-C., Lin, W. & Yueh, H.-P.* (2019, March). How to cultivate an environmentally responsible maker? A CPS approach to a comprehensive maker education model, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 17 (Suppl 1), 49-64. [PDF] (IF=1.578; 5-year IF=1.598; 133/263 Education & Educational Research)
  • Kakusho, K., Takase, F., Murakami, M., Lin, W., & Yueh, H.-P. (2019, August). How Learners with Different Cognitive Styles Read Learning Materials with Text and Pictures: A Gaze Analysis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11576: Cross-Cultural Design: Methods, tools and user experience, 435-445. (EI, Scopus SNIP=0.776)
  • Wang, J.-Y., Lin, W.*, & Yueh, H.-P. (2019, August). Collaborate or Compete? How Will Multiplayers’ Interaction Affect Their Learning Performance in Serious Games, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11576: Cross-Cultural Design: Methods, tools and user experience, 482-491. (EI, Scopus SNIP=0.713)

Refereed Conference Papers

  • Gamborino, E., Yueh, H. P., Lin, W., Yeh, S. L., & Fu, L. C. (2019, October). MoodEstimation as a Social Profile Predictor in an Autonomous, Multi-Session, Emotional Support Robot for Children. In 2019 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. [PDF]
  • Lin, S.T., Chen, H.J.,Li, C.A., Tseng, Y.J., & Lin, W.(2019, October). Support. H - Creating a safer sports experience with AR. Poster presentation at TAICHI2019. (People’s ChoiceAward)
  • Yueh, H.-P., Lin, W., & Huang, C.-Y. (2019, October). Gerontechnology: How Technology Improves Older Persons' Quality of Life, paper presentation at the 2nd Global Summit of Mental Health Advocates, 5-6 October, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Huang, C.-Y., Wang, G.-Y., Lin, Y. H., You, H.-H., Lin, W., & Yueh, H.-P. (2019, October). A robot for the elderly? Investigation of Older Adults’ Images of Social Robot, Poster presentation at the 11th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Asia/Oceania Regional Congress, 23-27 October, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Hsu, L.-J., Wang, G.-Y., Hu, Y.-H., Lu, M.-H., Lin, Y. H., Lin, W., & Yueh, H.-P. (2019, October). Investigating Older Adults’ Technological Needs for Social Activities, Poster presentation at the 11th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Asia/Oceania Regional Congress, 23-27 October, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Lin,W., Lo, W.-T., & Yueh, H.-P. (2019, March). How the multimodal Media in Augmented Reality Affects Museum Learning Experience, paper presentation at the 12th Asia Pacific Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality (APMAR2019), 28-29 March 2019, Nara, Japan.


Journal Articles

  • Lu, M.-H., Lin, W. & Yueh, H.-P.* (2018, June) How do Employees in Different Job Roles in the Insurance Industry Use Mobile Technology Differently at Work? IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 61(2), 151-165. [PDF] (IF=2.184; 5-year IF=1.558; 13/79 Communication)

Refereed Conference Papers

  • Lin, W. & Yueh, H.-P. (2018, August). Evaluating Child Patrons’ Performance and Perception of Robotic Assistance in Library Book Locating, the 27th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), pp.1185-1189, 27-31 August 2018, Nanjing and Tai’an, China. [PDF]
  • Lin, W., Chang, Y-T., & Yueh, H.-P. (2018, August). Design Principles of Digital Library for the Visually Impaired, Proceedings of 2018 Eleventh International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing (Ubi-Media), 22-25 August 2018, Nanjing, China. pp. 183-184.


Journal Articles

  • Lu, M.-H., Lin, W.* & Yueh, H.-P.* (2017, October). Development and Evaluation of a Cognitive Training Game for Older People: A Design-based Approach, Frontiers in Psychology, 8(1837). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01837 (IF=2.321; 5-year IF= 2.820; 39/135 Psychology) [PDF]
  • Hu, T-.C. & Lin, W.* (2017, August). The Trend Analysis of E-book Research in Library and Information Studies, Research of Educational Communication and Technology, 116, 49-71. DOI:10.6137/RECT.2017.116.04 [PDF] (NTU Excellent Journals in Humanities field)
  • Lu, M.-H., Lin, W. & Yueh, H.-P.* (2017, June).Enterprise Mobility Implementation Strategies and Their Impacts on Organizational Performance, Journal of Library and Information Studies, 15(1), 77-101. (in Chinese) (TSSCI, 1/Library Science) [PDF]

Refereed Conference Papers

  • Chang, C.-H., Shih, H.-C., & Lin, W. (2017, August). The Impact of Blog Format on Users’ Comprehension toward the Informative Message, Poster Presentation at TAICHI'17, 9-11 August 2017, Tainan, Taiwan. (in Chinese)
  • Wang, J.-Y., Yeh, I.-C., Lin, W. (2017, August). Flower Mission-Informal educational serious game design, Poster Presentation at TAICHI'17, 9-11 August 2017, Tainan, Taiwan.
  • Lin, W. & Yueh, H.-P. (2017, July). Effects of Guided Reading Design on Comprehension for Visual and Verbal style learners, Paper accepted for Poster Presentation at the 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2017), 17-21 July 2017, Los Angeles, USA.
  • Yueh, H.-P., Chen, J.-C., & Lin, W. (2017, July). Affordance-based Menu Design for Users of Different Generations, Paper accepted for Poster Presentation at the 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2017), 17-21 July 2017, Los Angeles, USA.


  • Lin, W. & Yueh, H.-P. (May 18th - June 11th, 2017). Special Exhibition: Scientific Exploration on Food, Agriculture, and Solar Terms. Taiwan: Taipei National Taiwan University Library.
  • Lin, W. & Yueh, H.-P.(June 15th - August 30th, 2017). Mini-Exhibition: Scientific Exploration on Food, Agriculture, and Solar Terms. Taiwan: Taipei National Taiwan University Library.


Journal Articles

  • Yueh, H.-P., Lu, M.-H.*, & Lin, W. (2016, June). Employees’ Acceptance of Mobile Technology to Achieving High Performance in a workplace: An Empirical Study Using SEM and fsQCA, Journal of Business Research, 69(6), 2318-2324. (IF=3.354; 5-year IF=4.108; ABDC Rank=A, 30/121Business) [PDF]
  • Lin, W.* & Yueh, H.-P. (2016, July). The Relationship between Robot Appearance and Interaction with Child Users: How Distance Matters. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9741: Cross-Cultural Design, 229-236. (EI, Scopus SNIP=0.535) [PDF]
  • Yueh, H.-P., & Lin, W.* (2016, July). Service, appearances and psychological factors in intelligent home service robots. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9741: Cross-Cultural Design, 608-615. (EI, Scopus SNIP=0.535) [PDF]
  • Lu, M.-H., Yueh, H.-P., & Lin, W. (2016, July). Mobile technology use among salespeople in the insurance industry. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9741: Cross-Cultural Design, 761-768. (EI, Scopus SNIP=0.535) [PDF]

Refereed Conference Papers

  • Liu, H.-C., Fang, Y., Chang, C.-Y., Wang, Y.-J., Ling Y.-C., Huang, P.-P., & Lin, W. (2016, August). Picnic – Plan and Prepare Better, Poster Presentation at TAICHI'16, 24-25 August 2016, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Chen, T.-Y., Chou, W.-Y., Hsu, C.-Y., Wong, C.-A., Kuo, C.-J. & Lin, W. (2016, August). Cue Card - Bus Availability Reminder, Poster Presentation at TAICHI'16,24-25 August 2016, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Lin, W. (2016, October).Tanaka Collection: Tyozaburo Tanaka’sSerendipity with National Taiwan University. Presentation at International Symposium on The Passion toward Citrus - Kitsumoto Shrine and Tyozaburo Tanaka. 10th October 2016, Wakayama, Japan. (in Japanese)
  • Yueh, H.-P., Lin, W.,& Chung, K.-F. (2016, October). Tyozaburo Tanaka’s Serendipity with National Taiwan University. Presentation at International Symposium on The Origin and Taxonomy of Citrus - Research and Exploration of Tyozaburo Tanaka. 9th October 2016, Kyoto, Japan.


  • Yueh, H.-P. & Lin, W. ( November 18th, 2016 - June 30th, 2017). Agriculture as the Foundation of the State - Taiwan’s Agricultural Archive Exhibition. Taiwan: Taipei National Taiwan University.
  • Yueh, H.-P. & Lin, W. ( August 18th, 2017 - October 29th, 2017). Agriculture as the Foundation of the State - Taiwan’s Agricultural Archive Exhibition. Taiwan: New Taipei City National Archives Administration.


Journal Articles

  • Yueh, H.-P., Liu, Y.-L., & Lin, W.* (2015). Fostering interdisciplinary learning in a smart living technology course through a PBL approach, International Journal of Engineering Education, 31(1B),220-228. (IF=0.360; 5-year IF=0.434, 34/36Edu)
  • Lin, H.-C., Luo, Y.-C., Lin, W.* & Yueh, H.-P. (2015). Tablet interface design for elder users' newspaper reading. Lecture Notes in Educational Technology 2015: Emerging Issues in Smart Learning, 311-312.
  • Fu, L., Wu, H.-Y., Lin, W.*, & Yueh, H.-P. (2015). College Students' Attitudes and Preferences of Mobile Newspaper Reading: A Comparison Between Printed and Web Page Layout. Lecture Notes in Educational Technology 2015: Emerging Issues in Smart Learning, 105-106.


Journal Articles

  • Yueh, H.-P., Lin, W.*, Liu, Y.-L., Shoji, T., & Minoh, M. (2014). The development of an interaction support system for international distance education, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 7(2), 191-196. [PDF] (IF=2.267; 5-year IF=1.383, 27/335 Education & EducationalResearch)
  • Lin, W., Yueh, H.-P.*, Wu. H.-Y., & Fu,L.-C. (2014). Developing service robot in children’s library: A design-based research approach. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65(2), 290-301. [PDF] (IF=2.452; 5-year IF=2.381, 9/83 Information Science & Library Science)
  • Lin, W., Yueh, H.-P., & Chou, J.J. (2014). Electronic pet robots for mechatronics engineering education: A project-based learning approach. International Journal of Engineering Education, 30(1), 231-239. [PDF] (IF=0.360; 5-year IF=0.434, 34/36 Edu)
  • Yueh, H.-P., Chen, T.-L., Lin, W., & Sheen, H.-J. (2014). Developing digital courseware for a virtual nano-biotechnology laboratory: A design-based approach. Educational Technology& Society, 17(2), 158-168. [PDF] (IF=1.584;5-year IF=1.340, 73/224 Education & Educational Research)
  • Yueh, H.-P., Lin, W.,* & Lu, T. (2014). Users’ perceptions of blog functions: Education vs. personal use. Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems,48(1), 41-52. [PDF](IF=0.500; 5-year IF=0.460, 52/83 Information Science & Library Science)
  • Liu, W.-H., Chiu, L.-A., Lin, W.*, Yueh,H.-P., & Yang, Y.-J. (2014, June). A study of the notification sound effects for the elder users to use smart pillbox. Journal of Applied Psychology, 60, 45-84. (in Chinese) [PDF]
  • Ke, J.-J., Huang, Y.-T., Su, L.-Y., & Lin, W. (2014, May). Scaffold the history learning from University Archive and University History Gallery. Shu-Fu, 34, 21-28. (in Chinese). [PDF]
  • Lin, W., Wu, H.-Y., Wu, P.-M., Tung,Y., & Yueh, H.-P. (2014). Exploring children’s attitude and reading comprehension toward different styles of reading orientation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8528: Cross Cultural Design, 556-562. (EI, Scopus SNIP=0.535)
  • Lin, W., Lin, H.-C., & Yueh, H.-P. (2014). Explore elder users’ reading behaviors with online newspapers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8528: Cross-Cultural Design, 184-192. (EI, Scopus SNIP=0.535)

Refereed Conference Papers

  • Chen, S.H., Lai, Y.C., Lin, Y.T., Lu, P.Y., Liao, T.H., Lin, W.,* & Yueh, H.-P. (May 2014). The Use of Resource-based Learning to Bring University Teaching and Museum Resources Together: A New Way of Looking and Learning in AgriculturalExhibition Hall. Poster presentation at APRU Research Symposium on University Museums 2014. Taipei, Taiwan

Conference Presentation

  • Lin, W. and Yueh, H.-P. (September 2014). Digital Curation for Agriculture, College Museum and Visitor, Presentation at Kyoto University & National Taiwan University Symposium2014, Kyoto, Japan.


Journal Articles

  • Lin, W., & Huang, C.-Y. (2013). Understanding public libraries’ decisions on eBook service: An AHP analysis. Journal of Library and Information Studies, 11(2), 117-148. [PDF] (TSSCI, 1/Library Science)
  • Lin, W., Chen, C.L., Yang, C.T., & Yueh, H.P. (2013). Discovering the use of a home smart telephone: A persona approach. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8024: Cross-Cultural Design, Methods, Practice and Case Studies, 113-117. (EI, Scopus SNIP=0.535)
  • Yueh, H.P., & Lin, W. (2013). The interaction between human and home service robots on a daily life cycle. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8023: Cross-Cultural Design-Cultural Difference in Everyday Life, 175-181. (EI, Scopus SNIP=0.535)
  • Yueh, H-P., Lin, W.*, Chou, Y.L., & Lu, T.Y. (2013). Examining older users’ performance on and preference for menu designs of digital photo frames. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 14(3),273-289. [PDF]

Books and Book Chapters

  • Chen,T.-L.,Lin, Y.-F., Liu, Y.-L., Yueh, H.-P., Sheen, H.-J., & Lin, W. (2013). Integrating instant response system (IRS) as an in-class assessment tool into undergraduate chemistry learning experience: Student perceptions and performance. In M.-H. Chiu, H.-L., Tuan, H.-K., Wu,J.-W., Lin, & C.C. Chou(Eds.), Chemistry Education and Sustainability in the Global Age(pp. 267-275). Springer Netherlands.
  • 林維真(2013)。電子書與數位閱讀發展趨勢。載於卜小蝶(編),圖書資訊學學術研究。台北:五南。[URL]


Journal Articles

  • Lin, W. & Yueh, H.-P. (2012). Examining college students’ reading behaviors and needs for ebook readers. Journal of Library and Information Studies, 10(2), 113-142. [PDF]
  • Yueh, H.-P., Lin, W.*, Lee, M.-J., Lin, H.-C., & Luo, Y.-C. (2012). A study on using iPad with reading operations for the elders. Instructional Technology & Media, 101, 65-78. (in Chinese) [PDF] (NTU Excellent Journals in Humanities field)
  • Yueh, H.-P., Lin, W.*, Huang, J., & Sheen, H.-J. (2012). Effect of student engagement on multimedia-assisted instruction, Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal, 4(3), 346-358. [PDF] (SCOPUS)

Refereed Conference Papers

  • Lin, W. & Yueh, H.-P. (October 16th, 2012).Elders’ perceived usability toward touch-based home appliance interface: Example of digital photo frame. Proceedings of 2012 China-Taiwan Conference on Behavioral and Management Science, 28-29. (in Chinese)
  • Lin, W. & Yueh, H.-P. (July 21-25, 2012). Exploring elders’ digital reading experiences with mobile devices. Paper presented at the 4thInternational Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2012 (AHFE 2012). San Francisco, USA. Abstract retrieved from
  • Yeh, S.-T., Lin, W., & Yueh, H.-P. (May 28 - June 1, 2012). Understanding the effects of e-manga layout presentation on reading comprehension and reading attitudes. Proceedings of the 2012 Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE), 557-558. Taichung, Taiwan.

Books and Book Chapters

  • 林維真(2012)。使用Web 2.0 工具連結學習者。載於張霄亭(總校閱),教學科技與媒體(原作者: Smaldino, Lowther, & Russell)。台北市:華騰文化。(原著出版年:2011年)。



Journal Articles

  • Yueh, H.-P., Lin,W.*, Lu, T.-Y. & Chou, Y.-L. (2011). Menu design of digital photo frame for elders. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6775 Internationalization, Design and Global Development,265-272. (EI, SCOPUS SNIP=0.737)
  • Yueh, H.-P., Lin, W.*, Lee, M.-J., Huang, J.-Y., Yeh, S.-T. (2011). Manga reading with e-readers: A preliminary usability study. Instructional Technology & Media, 91, 69-78. [PDF] (in Chinese) (NTU Excellent Journals in Humanities field)

Refereed Conference Papers

  • Tseng, S.-H., Cheng, S.-H.,Li, J.-Y., Lin, W., Yueh, H.-P. & Fu, L.-C. (2011). Intelligent interactive robot in an office environment, Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Service and Interactive Robots, 1067-1074. (EI)
  • Chen, T.-L., Lin, Y.-F., Liu, Y.-L., Yueh, H.-P., Sheen, H.-J. & Lin, W. (2011). Integrating instant response system(IRS) as an in-class assessment tool into undergraduate chemistry learning experience: Student perception and performance.Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE).
  • Yueh, H.-P., Lin, W.*, Lee,M.-J., Huang, J.-Y., Yeh, S.-T. (May, 2011). Examining the users’ reading experiences with ebook readers.Paper accepted for presentation at the 15th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE2011), Hangzhou, China.


  • Yueh,H.-P.,Lin, W. & Chou, Y.-L. (May 20-23, 2011). BookSmile Library Robot. Exhibition Catalog, Young Designers’ Exhibition 2011 & NSC Concept Design of Future Products Project Final Exhibition, Session 2, p.17. Taiwan: Taipei World Trade Center Hall 3.

Other Works

  • Lin,W.(2011, August). Website: 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系系友專區 NTULIS Alumni.
  • Lin,W. (2011, July). Website: International Conference on Library and Information Science Education: Trends and Visions.
  • Lin, W. (2011, May). Poster: 台大圖資系系友座談會
  • Y.-L. Chou and Lin, W. (2011, April).Book Smile, Book RounDesk and Book Louis. Visual design and modeling for the robot.
  • Lin, W. (2011, March). Ad Poster, YSED Design Contest.


Journal Articles

  • Shu, C.-W., Yueh, H.-P., & Lin, W. (2010). A study of the communication behaviors and members' roles in the interaction process of a project-based learning group. Journal of Library and Information Studies, 8(1), 137-164. (in Chinese) [PDF]
  • Liu, Y., Lin, W., Yueh, H.-P. & Minoh, M. (2010). A study of group interaction patterns and emoticon use in a synchronous discussion activity. International Journal on Digital Learning Technology, 2(1), 79-95. [PDF]
  • Lin, W.(2010). A design of supporting mechanism to advance student learning in international distance education. Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 25(1), 158. (Invited special issue on Doctoral Theses on Artificial Intelligence: Human Interfaces and Computer Supported Learning)

Refereed Conference Papers

  • Yueh, H.-P., Lin, W., Lee, M.-C., Huang, J.-Y. & Yeh, S.-T. (2010).A preliminary usability study of using e-reader for manga reading. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference of Taiwan Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 734-741. (Best Paper Award) (in Chinese)
  • Yueh, H.-P., Lin, W. & Lee, M.-C. (2010). A survey of the reading behavior and the needs for e-reader functions. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference of Taiwan Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 226-237. (in Chinese)
  • Yueh, H.-P., Chiu, L.-A., Liu, W.-H., Chou, Y.-L., Lin, W., Yang, Y.-J. & Sung, T.-J. (2010). A study of elders' use of smart pill box system and preference on reminding tone. Proceedings of the 9th Pan-Pacific Conference on Ergonomics, PT-26.
  • Yueh, H.-P., Chou, Y.-L., Lee, Y.-J., Chen, J.-Y., Lee, M.-C. & Lin, W. (2010). Exploring needs and perceptions of elders on touch screen digital photo frame. Proceedings of the 9th Pan-Pacific Conference on Ergonomics, PT-27.
  • Lin, W., Shoji, T., Yueh, H.-P. & Minoh, M. (2010, September 24-26). The Design of an Interactive Shooting System to Support Distance Teaching and Learning. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning 2010.

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