
Theses & Dissertations


  • Lee, M.J. (2024, November). How Augmented Olfactory Feedback Assists Visually Impaired Students’ Learning of Mudslide in Geoscience. Unpublished master thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Tsao, Y.-N. (2024, November). How Interactive Contexts Affect College Students’ Perceptual, Emotional and Behavioral Tendencies towards Social Robots. Unpublished master thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Jhan, Y.-F. (2024, July). Building Museum Sustainability through Education and Extension Practices: A Case Study of Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum. Unpublished master thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Lin, K.-C. (Proposal). The Effects of Robot’s Facial Expression on the Elderly-Robot Rapport Building. (2024/04/30)
  • Lu, S.-B. (Proposal). The Effectiveness of Augmented Auditory Feedback and Sonification in Assisting Visually Impaired Students’ Geography Learning. (2024/11/07)


  • Shih, Y.-L. (2023). The Domain Analysis of Museum Visitor Studies. Unpublished master thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. (中華民國圖書館學會112年度優秀學位論文獎助 LAROC Thesis Award
  • Chen, C.-H. (2023). How Non-verbal Turn-taking Cues Affect Elderly Communication with a Social Robot in a Casual Conversation Setting. Unpublished master thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. (國立公共資訊圖書館113 年度博碩士圖書資訊學位論文獎助 NLPI Thesis Award


  • Wang, Y.-C. (2022, July). The Application of Virtual Reality Technology in Eco-Museum Navigation - A Case Study of NTU Museums. Unpublished master thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. (國立公共資訊圖書館111年度博碩士圖書資訊學位論文獎助 NLPI Thesis Award
  • Hung, P.-L. (2022, June). Design and Development of an AR Application to Support Students with CVD in High School Chemistry Reading. Unpublished bechelor thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. (國立臺灣大學學士班學生論文院長獎 NTU Bachelor’s Thesis Award - Dean’s Award


  • Han, H.-H. (2021, July). How Different Augmented Feedback Designs Affect Visually Impaired Learners' Reading Comprehension of Image. Unpublished master thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. (國立臺灣圖書館111年度身心障礙研究優良學位論文獎 NTL Thesis Award for Disability Studies)


  • Wang, J.-Y. (2020, July). Developing a serious game for pre-service information workers’ learning of information ethics. Unpublished master thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. [NTUR] (中華民國圖書館學會109年度優秀學位論文獎助 LAROC Thesis Award
  • Chen, X.-H. (2020, July). The application of augmented reality technology for calligraphy exhibitions. Unpublished master thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. [NTUR] (國立公共資訊圖書館110年度博碩士圖書資訊學位論文獎助 NLPI Thesis Award
  • Shih, H.-Y. (2020, July). How different imagery use affects performance of college volleyball players. Unpublished master thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. [NTUR]
  • Hsu, C.-Y. (2020, January). Relation between learners’ control and scientific process skills in sandbox-style tangible augmented reality. Unpublished master thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. [NTUR] (國立公共資訊圖書館109年度博碩士圖書資訊學位論文獎助 NLPI Thesis Award


  • Lo, W.-T. (2019, July).How the Multimodal Media in Augmented Reality Affects Museum Learning Experience. Unpublished master thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. [NTUR](中華民國圖書館學會108年度優秀學位論文獎助 LAROC Thesis Award
  • Hsieh, Y.-S. (2019, July). An Eye Tracking Study of Reading Library Rare Books with Different AR Layout Design. Unpublished master thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. [NTUR](中華民國圖書館學會108年度優秀學位論文獎助 LAROC Thesis Award


  • Chang, H.-J. (2018, July). Discovering the Connection between Library Special Collection and Academic Research: A Case Study of the Tanaka Collection of National Taiwan University Library. Unpublished master thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Huang, S.-J. (2018, January). How the Design of Science Communication Message Influence Audience’s Comprehension. Unpublished master’s thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. [NTUR]


  • Chang, Y.-T. (2017, August). Design Principles of Digital Library for the Visually Impaired. Unpublished master’s thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. [NTUR] (國立臺灣圖書館106年度身心障礙研究優良學位論文獎 NTL Thesis Award for Disability Studies)
  • Chu, Y.-L. (2017, August). The Evaluation of Visitor Experience in Online Exhibition: A Case of Taiwan’s Agricultural Archive Exhibition Website. Unpublished master’s thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. [NTUR]


  • Chen, Y.-C. (2016, September). Research Trends of Business Mobile Learning: A Bibliographical Analysis. Unpublished master’s thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. [NTUR]
  • Tseng, P.-L. (2016, September). How the Design of the Museum Exhibition Impacts Immigrant Visitors’ Museum Experience. Unpublished master’s thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. [NTUR]


  • Hsu, S.-M. (2015, September). The Need Assessment of “Film and Literature Database” in Junior High School Chinese Teaching. Unpublished master’s thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. [NTUR]
  • Feng, Y.-C. (2015,July). Family visitors' textreading behavior in educational exhibitions of art museum - A case study of NTMoFA. Unpublished master’s thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. [NTUR]


  • Yang, C.-T. (2014, September). A Study of Automation Technology for Reader Services in Taiwanese Public Libraries. Unpublished master’s thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. [NTUR]
  • Hsu, W.-H. (2014, July). Determination of Active Personal Space based on Appearance when Interacting with a Library Robot. Unpublished master’s thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. [NTUR]


  • Huang, H.-P. (2013, July). Exploring the Influence Factors of College Students’ Acceptance and Needs of eTextbook.Unpublished master’s thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. [NTUR]
  • Cheng, C.-W. (2013, January). Analytic Usability Evaluation of Digital Library for the Visually Impaired: A Case Study of Taipei Public Library. Unpublished master’s thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. [NTUR] (國立臺灣圖書館視覺功能障礙研究論文獎助優秀論文第一名 NTL Thesis Award for Disability Studies)
  • Wu, H.-Y. (2013, January). Usability Evaluation of RoboticBook Locating Service and Interface for Library Child Patrons. Unpublished master’s thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei,Taiwan. [NTUR] (中華民國圖書館學會102年度優良論文獎 LAROC Thesis Award


  • Huang, C.-Y. (2012, July). A Case Study on Decision-Making of eBook Extension Service in Public Library. Unpublished master’s thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.[NTUR]
  • Hu, T.-C. (2012, January). The Trend Analysis of E-Book Research in Library and Information Studies. Unpublished master’s thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. [NTUR]
  • Yeh, S.-T. (2012, January). Exploring the Effectsof E-Manga Layouts on Reading Comprehension and Reading Attitudes. Unpublished master’s thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. [NTUR] (國立公共資訊圖書館100年度博碩士班學生論文獎助 NLPI Thesis Award )