[Annoucement] Thesis Defense Presentations 2025/02/26
Mr. Pei-Luo Hung will conduct an oral defense for his proposal, “Analysis of Graphics in Geography Textbooks of Taiwan’s Secondary Education," on February 26th. Lab members are welcome to attend.
2025/01 Spring Semester 2025 course selection starts
Course selection and enrollment for Spring Semester 2025SS starts soon. Social Lab offers 7 courses in this semester, including “Museum Learning,” “Information Communication System” and “User Behavior Research" by Prof. Lin; and “Designing Persuasive Social Robotics,” “Design Gerontechnology,” “Cognitive...
[Annoucement] Thesis Defense Presentations 2025/01/15
The following members will conduct oral defense for their theses/proposals on January 15th. Lab members are welcome to attend.
13:00 - 14:30 Ciao-Ling Kuo presents her thesis proposal, “Exploring Generational Succession in Taiwanese Family Farms: A Mixed-Methods Approach"
14:30 - 16:00 Tung-Kai...
2025/01 Prof. Yueh and Prof. Lin give talks in ESD Symposium

Prof. Yueh and Prof. Lin will speak at the upcoming Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) symposium at Kyoto University. Prof. Yueh will share her insights into self-directed learning analytics on the topic of “Toward an Integrated Smart Learning Environment,” Prof. Lin will present “Modeling...
2024/12 Prof. Yueh and lab members visit Antwerp Social Lab

Prof. Yueh led lab members I Hsin and Yuan-Ling Shih on a visit to the University of Antwerp in Belgium. This trip was part of the NSTC-FWO international collaboration. In addition to touring the Antwerp Social Lab facilities alongside lab alumnus Dr. Yilun Jheng, a seminar was organized where Prof....
2024/12 Prof. Lin was awarded as NTULIS Outstanding Mentor for 2024AY
WJ was awarded as NTULIS Outstanding Mentor for 2024AY
2024/12 Prof. Lin was granted the Academic Research-Career Development Project
Prof. Weijane Lin’s project, “Multimodal Augmented Feedback System for Enhancing Visually Impaired Visitors’ Science Museum Experiences and Learning,” received a research grant from the NTU Academic Research-Career Development Project (Sprout Research Projects). The purpose of this project is to encourage...
2024/12 NTU Social Lab was granted NTU Core Consortiums Research Project
NTU Social Lab’s research project, “Human-Robot Collaboration and Coexistence: The Application and Practice of Socia Robots in an Aging Society,” leaded by Prof. Yueh, received a research grant from NTU Core Consortium Projects. The NTU Core Consortium aims to foster new talent and an exceptional generation...
2024/11 Lab organized the Special Session of Human-Robot Interaction in Automation 2024
NTU Social Lab organized a special session on HRI at the Automation 2024, where 5 papers were presented and research teams from Japan and Taiwan shared and exchanged their experiences of human-robot interaction. We were also happy to welcome our long-time collaborators to visit us and have fruitful...
[Annoucement] Thesis Defense Presentations 2024/11/07
The following members will be conducting their oral defense for their theses/proposals on November 7th. Lab members are welcome to attend.
10:00 - 12:00 Yung-Ning Tsao presents her thesis "How Interactive Contexts Affect College Students’ Perceptual, Emotional and Behavioral Tendencies towards Social...
2024/10 Prof. Lin was honored as NTU CoLA Excelsior Chair Professorship
WJ received NTU College of Liberal Arts Excelsior Chair Professorship
林維真老師 獲得113學年度國立臺灣大學文學院學術勵進講座教授(2024/08/01 - 2027/07/31)
2024/09 Lab member received NLPI Best Thesis Award

Chia-Ho Chen received the NLPI Best Thesis Award with her Master’s Thesis (How Non-verbal Turn-taking Cues Affect Elderly Communication with a Social Robot in a Casual Conversation Setting)
陳家荷碩士論文(非口語話輪輪轉線索應用於高齡者與機器人休閒對話情境之研究) 獲得國立公共資訊圖書館113年度博碩士圖書資訊學位論文獎助
2024/09 Lab member was awarded NTU Ph.D. Scholarship

Yuan-Ling Shih was awarded the 113th NTU Ph.D Scholarship (funded by the National Science and Technology Council), which recognizes outstanding new Ph.D. students.
2024/08 Fall Semester 2024 course selection starts
Course selection and enrollment for Fall Semester 2024AY starts soon. Social Lab offers 3 courses in the fall semester, including “Library Statistics” and “Human-Computer Interaction” by Prof. Lin; and “Social Robotics” by Prof. Yueh.
113-1 學期選課開始。本學期週一下午圖書館統計學(林維真)、週二上午人機互動(林維真)、週四下午社會機器人(岳修平)
2024/06 Prof. Lin was honored as NTU Excellent Teacher for 2023AY
WJ received NTU Excellent Teaching Award for 2023AY
林維真老師 獲得112學年度國立臺灣大學教學優良教師
2024/06 Lab member received NSTC Research Grant for University Student
Yu-Chien Chen received the NSTC Research Grant for University Student (AR Technology for Secondary Geography Learning - A Study of Riverine Topography)
陳語謙(擴增實境輔助高中地理學習-以河流地形為例) 獲得國科會大專學生研究計畫獎助
2024/05 Lab members received NTU Excellent TA Award

Yung-Ning Tsao and Shin-Bei Lu, who are teaching assistants in “Library Statistics,” received the 2023 NTU Excellent TA Award. This is the 4th consecutive year that the TAs in the Library Statistics have won the award.
Pei-Lo Hung, who is a teaching assistant in “Computer Programming,” received...
2024 Spring Workshops of AR for BVI Patrons

This spring, MMLab partnered with the National Taiwan Library to organize a series of workshops on Augmented Reality Technologies for Special Patron Services. These workshops, through lectures and hands-on exercises, aimed to equip librarians with the knowledge and skills to use augmented reality (AR)...
2024/04 Research partners visit Lab and gave talks
The NSTC-FWO joint project happily welcomed our research partner, Karolien Poels, to NTU on this beautiful Friday afternoon. Thanks to Karolien and Prof. Yueh, it's wonderful to meet colleagues we have heard so much about, and many good friends.
合作學者 Dr. Karolien Poels 來台訪問,3月29日(五)下午在計資中心與計畫成員、研究夥伴相互交流。4月3日在科學傳播課堂以...
2024/03 Prof. Lin was honored as NTULIS Excellent Teacher for 2023AY
WJ received NTULIS Excellent Teaching Award for 2023AY
2024/02 Research partners visit Lab and gave talks

Research partners Dr. Kawanishi (RIKEN) and Dr. Shoji (Nara U.) gave talks at the NTU AIROBO center.
邀請合作學者 Dr. Yasutomo Kawanishi, Dr. Tetsuo Shoji 來台交流討論,2月1日(四)在人工智慧與機器人研究中心舉行演講。
2024/01 Spring Semester 2024 course selection starts
Course selection and enrollment for Spring Semester 2024 AY starts soon. Lab offers 7 courses in the spring semester, including “Topical Seminar on eBook Studies” and “Museum Visitor Studies” given by Prof. Lin; “Topical Seminar in Designing Gerontechnology,” “Seminar in Designing Persuasive Social...
2023/12 Lab members and students triumph LAROC Website Usability Research Contest

Students and Lab members participated in the LAROC Website Usability Research Contest and won several awards.
2023/12 Prof. Lin was honored as NTULIS Outstanding Mentor for 2023AY
WJ was honored as NTULIS Outstanding Mentor for 2023AY
2023/11 Lab member received LAROC Best Thesis Award

Yuan-Ling Shih received the LAROC Best Thesis Award with her Master’s Thesis (The Domain Analysis of Museum Visitor Studies)
石媛菱碩士論文(以領域分析方法探索博物館學領域中觀眾研究之發展) 獲得中華民國圖書館學會優良碩士論文獎
2023/08 Fall Semester 2023 course selection starts
Course selection and enrollment for Fall Semester 2023AY starts soon. Lab offers 3 courses in the fall semester, including “Library Statistics” and “Library Instruction” given by Prof. Lin; and “Social Robotics” given by Prof. Yueh.
112-1 學期選課開始。本學期週一下午圖書館統計學(林維真)、週三上午圖書館利用指導(林維真)、週四下午社會機器人(岳修平)...
2023/08 Prof. Lin is promoted as a full professor
WJ was promoted as a full professor
2023/06 Lab members received NTU Excellent TA Award

Chia-Ho Chen and Yuan-Ling Shih, who are teaching assistants in “Library Statistics,” received the 2022 NTU Excellent TA Award. This is the third TA award for Chia-Ho and the first for Yuan-Ling.
2023/06 Lab members won 2023 BEMST Best Paper Award

Our paper, "Trends of Information Ethics Education and Research in the Field of Business Administration,” has won the Best Paper Award at the 4th Conference on Business Education and Management Society in Taiwan (BEMST 2023).
岳修平、林維真、黃瀞瑩、陳家荷、石媛菱(2023, June 18th)。商管領域資訊倫理教育與研究發展趨勢分析研究。2023第四屆台灣商業教...
2023/06 Lab members won 2023 ICEET Best Poster Paper

Our paper, "Using Virtual Reality Technology to Construct an Eco-museum - A Case Study of NTU Museums,” has won the Best Poster Paper Award at the International Conference on E-learning and Educational Technology (ICEET 2023).
王昱珺、林維真(2023, June 7th)。應用虛擬實境技術建置生態博物館-以臺灣大學博物館群為例。2023 ICEET 數位學習與教育...
2023/05 Lab members won 2023 TBSA Creative Planning Competition
Students and Lab members participated in the 2023 TBSA National Colleges and Universities Creative Planning Competition and won the Honorable Mention.
2023/04 Prof. Lin is invited to serve as the BJET Editorial Board

Dr. Weijane Lin is invited to serve as the Editorial Board of British Journal of Educational Technology (ISSN 0007-1013) (12/269 Education & Educational Research)
2023/01 Spring Semester 2023 course selection starts
Course selection and enrollment for Spring Semester 2023 AY starts soon. Lab offers 4 courses in the spring semester, including “Human-Computer Interaction” and “Museum Learning” given by Prof. Lin; “Topical Seminar in Designing Gerontechnology” given by Prof. Yueh. HP and WJ also co-taught a “Science...
2022/11 Lab member received NTL Best Thesis Award
Hsiao-Hsuan Han received the NTL Thesis Award for Disability Studies with her Master’s Thesis (How Different Augmented Feedback Designs Affect Visually Impaired Learners' Reading Comprehension of Image)
韓筱瑄碩士論文(擴增回饋設計對視障學習者圖像閱讀理解之影響) 獲得國立臺灣圖書館身心障礙研究優良學位論文獎
2022/09 Lab member received NLPI Best Thesis Award
Yu-Chun Wang received the NLPI Thesis Award with her Master’s Thesis (The Application of Virtual Reality Technology in Eco-Museum Navigation - A Case Study of NTU Museums)
王昱珺碩士論文(應用虛擬實境技術建置生態博物館-以國立臺灣大學博物館群為例) 獲得國立公共資訊圖書館111年度博碩士圖書資訊學位論文獎助
2022/08 Prof. Lin received NSTC Excellent Young Scholarship
Prof. Lin was awarded the 111 Excellent Young Scholar Research Grants by the National Science and Technology Council.
2022.06. 林維真老師 獲得科技部111年度優秀年輕學者研究計畫
2022/08 Prof. Lin received NTU Laureate Research Grant
For her research on AR for the visually impaired, Prof. Lin was awarded NTU Laureate Research Grant for 2022-2025.
2022.08. 林維真老師 獲得國立臺灣大學學術研究生涯發展計畫-桂冠型研究計畫獎助
2022/06 Lab members and students win MOE XR Contest
Student teams of HCI course and lab members won the finalists of the MOE XR Contest, with their projects of “PET with you” and “Petit Mood.” They finally won the honorable mentioned awards.
人機互動課程學生團隊,以「PET伴你」(賴椿霖/鍾昀衫/林倢/吳詩昀/徐上淇)、「Petit Mood」(葉軒彤/張祐瑄/羅子蘋/陳靖瑄/黃珮雯)入圍教育部「XR實境教育創意大賞」學生組決賽,並獲得佳作獎
2022/06 Lab member received NTU Bachelar Thesis Award
Pei-Lo Hung received the NTU Dean’s Award with his Bechalor Thesis (Design and Development of an AR Application to Support Students with CVD in High School Chemistry Reading)
洪培洛學士論文(擴增實境支援色覺異常者之科學閱讀) 獲得國立臺灣大學學士班學生論文院長獎
2022/05 Lab members received NTU Excellent TA Award

Chia-Ho Chen and Yu-Chun Wang, who are teaching assistants in “Library Statistics,” received the 2022 NTU Excellent TA Award. They are both second-time winners of TA awards.
2021/09 Lab member received NLPI Best Thesis Award
Xiao-Hsuan Chen received the NLPI Thesis Award with her Master’s Thesis (The Application of Augmented Reality Technology for Calligraphy Exhibitions)
2021/07 Lab member received MOST Research Grant for University Student
Pei-Lo Hung received the MOST Research Grant for University Student (Design and Development of an AR Application to Support Students with CVD in High School Chemistry Reading)
洪培洛(擴增實境支援色覺異常者之科學閱讀-以高中化學為例) 獲得科技部大專學生研究計畫獎助
2021/05 Lab members received NTU Excellent TA Award
Chia-Ho Chen and Yu-Chun Wang, who are teaching assistants in “Library Statistics,” received the 2020 NTU Excellent TA Award.
2020/08 Lab member received LAROC Best Thesis Award
Juei-Yin Wang received the LAROC Best Thesis Award with her Master’s Thesis (Developing a serious game for pre-service information workers’ learning of information ethics)
2020/06 Lab member received NLPI Best Thesis Award
Chia-Yu Hsu received the NLPI Thesis Award with her Master’s Thesis (Relation between learners’ control and scientific process skills in sandbox-style tangible augmented reality)
2020/02 Prof. Lin was honored as NTULIS Outstanding Mentor for 2020AY
WJ was honored as NTULIS Outstanding Mentor for 2020AY
林維真老師 獲得109年度圖書資訊學系傑出導師
2019/08 Lab members received LAROC Best Thesis Award
Wen-Ting Lo (How the Multimodal Media in Augmented Reality Affects Museum Learning Experience) and Yi-Shan Hsieh (An Eye Tracking Study of Reading Library Rare Books with Different AR Layout Design) received the LAROC Best Thesis Award with their master’s theses.
2019/07 Lab member received MOST Research Grant for University Student
Hung-Chun Chen received the MOST Research Grant for University Student (Using different error-handling strategies to facilitate older users’ interaction with chatbots in learning information and communication technologies)
2018/07 Lab member received MOST Research Grant for University Student
Jui-Ying Wang received the MOST Research Grant for University Student (Collaborate or Compete? How Will Multiplayers’ Interaction Affect Their Learning Performance in Serious Games)
2018/03 Prof. Lin was honored as NTU College of Liberal Arts Excellent Teacher for 2018AY
WJ received NTU College of Liberal Arts Excellent Teaching Award for 2018AY
林維真老師 獲得107年度文學院教學優良教師
2017/08 Lab member received NTL Best Thesis Award
Yi-Tsen Chang received the NTL Thesis Award for Disability Studies with her Master’s Thesis (Design Principles of Digital Library for the Visually Impaired)
2017/03 Prof. Lin was honored as NTU Excellent Teacher for 2017AY
WJ received NTU Excellent Teaching Award for 2017AY
林維真老師 獲得106年度國立臺灣大學教學優良教師
2016/06 Prof. Lin received Service Award from EAO-ROC
WJ received Service Award from the Educational Academic Organizations in ROC for her service to the Taiwan Association for Educational and Communication Technology (TAECT).
林維真老師 獲得105年度中華民國教育學術團體服務獎
2015/05 Prof. Lin was honored as NTULIS Excellent Mentor for 2015AY
WJ was honored as NTULIS Outstanding Mentor for 2015AY
林維真老師 獲得104年度圖書資訊學系優良導師
2015/05 Prof. Lin was honored as NTULIS Excellent Teacher for 2015AY
WJ received NTULIS Excellent Teaching Award for 2015AY
林維真老師 獲得104年度圖書資訊學系教學優良教師
2014/07 Lab member received MOST Research Grant for University Student
Pei-Ming Wu received the MOST Research Grant for University Student (Exploring children’s attitude and reading comprehension toward different styles of reading orientation)
2013/08 Lab member received LAROC Best Thesis Award
Hsin-Yin Wu (Usability Evaluation of Robotic Book Locating Service and Interface for Library Child Patrons) received the LAROC Best Thesis Award with her master’s thesis.
吳欣穎碩士論文(兒童圖書館機器人尋書服務之介面可使用性評估)獲得2013 中華民國圖書館學會優良論文獎
2013/08 Lab member received NTL Best Thesis Award
Chia-Wen Cheng received the NTL Thesis Award for Disability Studies with her Master’s Thesis (Analytic Usability Evaluation of Digital Library for the Visually Impaired: A Case Study of Taipei Public Library)
2012/06 Lab member received NLPI Best Thesis Award
Si-Tsen Yeh received the NLPI Thesis Award with her Master’s Thesis (Exploring the Effectsof E-Manga Layouts on Reading Comprehension and Reading Attitudes)
2011/03 Lab members and students win YS Design Contest
Student teams of HCI course and lab members won the finalists of the YS Design Contest, with their projects of “Paperless Shopping.”
They finally won the honorable mentioned awards.
2010/02 Students triumph TAECT Media Contest
Student teams of the Multimedia Production course won the finalists of the TAECT Media Contest, with their course project artifacts.
News Coverage

News coverage of MMLab research and teaching outcomes